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SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

SPaG: Narrative and Storytelling


Grammar Presentation: Cohesion within Paragraphs
Revise cohesion and how it can be used to create flowing narrative prose. Explore how adverbs, conjunctions, determiners and pronouns aid cohesion: identify them in use and insert into given text.

Grammar Presentation: Time, Place and Cause
Revise separately how adverbs, conjunctions and prepositions can be used to express time, cause, place and manner. Explore how they are inserted into sentences and punctuated.

Grammar Presentation: 5-Minute Revision, Unit 8
Deliver quick, focused revision (cohesion within paragraphs; expressing time, place and cause) which requires children only to have whiteboards. Questions are intentionally similar in content and style to the formal KS2 tests.

SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

SPaG: Testing and Celebration


These mock Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling papers give your class the chance to practise for the SAT while remaining in the world of Percy Jackson.

SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

SPaG: Persuasion and Balanced Argument


Grammar Presentation: Adverbs of Possibility
Revise how adverbs of possibility can modify verbs and clauses, how they are punctuated and the impact they have. Explore how they can be used for prediction and persuasion.

Grammar Presentation: Active and Passive Voice
Revise subject, verb and object and explore how these can be manipulated to create active and passive voice. Identify the voice of sentences and explore the impact when the agent (doer) is removed from a passive sentence.

Grammar Presentation: Subordinate Clauses
Revise how subordinate clauses can add different types of information to main clauses, explaining, elaborating or adding a shade of meaning. Recap punctuation.

Grammar Presentation: 5-Minute Revision, Unit 7
Deliver quick, focused revision (adverbs of possibility, active and passive voice, subordinate clauses) which requires children only to have whiteboards. Questions are intentionally similar in content and style to the formal KS2 tests.