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SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

SPAG: Dialogue, Quotes and News Media


Grammar Presentation: Bullet Points
Explore the conventions associated with using bullet points and how to use them in lists when the items are full sentences or words and phrases. Spot and troubleshoot errors.

2) Grammar Presentation: Punctuating Dialogue
Consolidate children’s understanding of how to punctuate dialogue as direct speech. Introduce reported speech and how this can summarise and report informal discourse in a concise and informal manner.

3) Grammar Presentation: Commas, Colons and Semi-colons
Give an overview on how these punctuation marks are used and why. Explore how commas separate and clarify. Understand how colons and semi-colons mark relationships between clauses in a way which is similar to conjunctions.

Presentation: 5-Minute Revision, Unit 5
Deliver quick, focused revision (bullet points; punctuating dialogue; commas, colons and semi-colons), which requires children only to have whiteboards. Questions are intentionally similar in content and style to the formal KS2 tests.

SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

Reports and Explanation Texts


1) Grammar Presentation: Parenthesis
Explore what parenthetical information is and how we can identify in a sentence or add it. Discuss the different uses of commas, brackets and dashes for punctuating parenthesis and the impact on clarity and register.

2) Grammar Presentation: Phrases and Clauses
Consolidate children’s understanding of phrases and clauses in this short pre-teaching PowerPoint, in order to prepare them for adverbials revision. Discuss what makes a phrase and a clause, linking to adverbials, noun phrases and subordination.

3) Grammar Presentation: Adverbials
Revise how adverbials can give extra information explaining when, where and how. Explore how to punctuate adverbials when they are fronted.

Grammar Presentation: 5-Minute Revision, Unit 4
Deliver quick, focused revision (parenthesis, adverbials, word classes), which requires children only to have whiteboards. Questions are intentionally similar in content and style to the formal KS2 tests.

Group Readers

SPAG and Composition: Using co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions in descriptive writing


St George and the Dragon
Children will love the swashbuckling tale of St George & the Dragon, as retold by Ruth Merttens! They will be enthralled by the charming illustrations and enjoy the adventurous story that is suitable for those beginning to read independently.

SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

SPAG: Recounts and Chronological Writing


Presentation: Verbs and Tense
Revise how verbs indicate tense, exploring examples of simple, progressive and perfect forms both in present and past tenses. Discuss the shades of meaning created through selecting different forms.

Presentation: Cohesion between Paragraphs
Define cohesion before revising the function of paragraphs. Explore how adverbials can create links between paragraphs, giving information about time, place and number, and how topic sentences can be used to orientate the reader further.

Presentation: 5-Minute Revision, Unit 6
Deliver quick, focused revision (verbs and tense, cohesion through adverbials, word classes) which requires children only to have whiteboards. Questions are intentionally similar in content and style to the formal KS2 tests.