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SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

Narrative texts ('Philosopher's Stone' chapters 15-17)


SPAG Revision
Children look cohesive devices, including pronouns, determiners, adverbs and subordinating conjunctions. Move on to revise adding information about time, place cause and manner using conjunctions, prepositions and adverbs.

5-minute SPAG Revision
Revise pronouns, determiners, conjunctions, adverbs and word classes.

SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

Descriptive & predictive writing ('Philosopher's Stone' chapters 5-7)


SPAG Revision
Children look at expanded noun phrases, including identifying adjectives, adverbs and prepositional phrases. They then study modal verbs of certainty, ability and obligation. Finally they revise relative clauses and pronouns.

5-minute SPAG Revision
Revise noun phrases, including identifying head nouns, then revise modal verbs and relative clauses.

SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

Persuasive texts ('Prisoner of Azkaban' & 'Order of the Phoenix')


SPAG Revision
Children revise adverbs for possibility, and the active and passive voices. They identify subordinate clauses and study the grammatical features of persuasive writing.

5-minute SPAG Revision
Revise the difference between active and passive voice and change from one to the other. Look at the use of adverbs and conjunctions introducing subordinate clauses.

SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

Information & explanation texts ('Philosopher's Stone' chapters 11-14)


SPAG Revision
Look at the difference between phrases and clauses, then move on to study adverbials, including fronted adverbials. Finally, revise parenthesis.

5-minute SPAG Revision
Revise adverbials, including phrases and clauses. Ensure that children understand parenthesis. Finally, revise word classes.

SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

Story openers & letters ('Philosopher's Stone' chapters 1-4)


SPAG Revision
Word classes, sentence types and their punctuation and syntax of a sentence (subject, verb, object, parts of a clause) are all covered in this introductory presentation. It also encompasses features of letters.

5-minute SPAG Revision
Revise word classes, using seven different slides. Then revise sentence syntax and punctuation, and finally, revise features of letters.

SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

Recounts ('Prisoner of Azkaban' & 'Order of the Phoenix')


SPAG Revision
Revise the vocabulary and punctuation of questions. Look at cohesion between paragraphs using adverbials and topic sentences. Revise verbs and tense, including simple and progressive past and present and the perfect form. Finally, look at formal and informal language, the concept of register and the use of subjunctive mood.

5-minute SPAG Revision
Revise adverbials and word classes, then verbs and tense: simple past/present, progressive past/present and perfect form. Also revise informal and formal language, including subjunctive form.