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SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

Instructions & rules ('Philosopher's Stone' chapters 8-10)


SPAG Revision
Study sentence forms and relevant punctuation, teach children apostrophes, contractions and possession singular and plural. Then revise the features and grammar of oral arguments.

5-minute SPAG Revision
Revise recognising and punctuating different sentence forms. Then revise both uses of apostrophes, including singular and plural possession.

SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

Story openers & letters ('Philosopher's Stone' chapters 1-4)


SPAG Revision
Word classes, sentence types and their punctuation and syntax of a sentence (subject, verb, object, parts of a clause) are all covered in this introductory presentation. It also encompasses features of letters.

5-minute SPAG Revision
Revise word classes, using seven different slides. Then revise sentence syntax and punctuation, and finally, revise features of letters.