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Showing 1483–1488 of 4729 results
Group Readers

Exploring superheroes


Superheroes All Sorts
A quite superb book which points out that there are many types of superhero – human and otherwise! All children (and adults) will love the illustrations which can make us laugh out loud. This text is perfect for beginning readers.

Exploring and Playing

Exploring superheroes

  1. Superhero school
  2. Superhero pea power meal
  3. Super daisy power portrait
  4. Gadgets and gizmos...
Exploring and Playing

My favourite superhero

  1. Look the part!
  2. Imagine...
  3. Superhero stories...
  4. Design-a-hero
Group Readers

My favourite superhero


Superheroes All Sorts
A quite superb book which points out that there are many types of superhero – human and otherwise! All children (and adults) will love the illustrations which can make us laugh out loud. This text is perfect for beginning readers.