Collected Resources

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Books to Share

Join in when you can!

  1. Read and enjoy We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. Notice repetition. Encourage children to join in wherever they can, enjoying the sounds of the words. Pause to look at and talk about illustrations
  2. Act out the whole of Bear Hunt with only occasional references to the book. Children should now know most of it by heart.
  3. Read Funnybones, encouraging children to join in with the repetitive phrase. Compare with We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. Which story do you prefer? Why?
  4. Read and act out the class version of ‘We’re all going on a ___ hunt’. Do we all know it off by heart? Use percussion instruments to create faster beats/tension as together you go on your bear hunt (M).

Poetry/Rhyme of the Week: Bear was afraid
Introduce to children at the beginning of the week, send a copy home to share with parents, rehearse and chant throughout the week, waiting to go to lunch, for fun! Develop performance and add actions.

Active Learning

Join in when you can!

  1. We're going on a bear hunt!
  2. Repeat after me
  3. Noises for places
  4. Ending our story
Books to Share

Lists and storytelling

  1. Enjoy The Enormous Turnip. Discuss why so many people were needed to pull the turnip. List the characters on the board.
  2. Read The Enormous Turnip several times until the children can confidently sequence the story. Provide suitable props/costumes; support the children to act out a story retelling.
  3. Music Learn, sing and adapt We Thank You for the Harvest (resources).
  4. Read Pumpkin Soup. Notice the animals work together to prepare a shared meal. Why did feel upset? Reflect on how his friends felt and what they did to help.

Poetry/Rhyme of the Week: One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato, Four (see resources)
Recite at suitable times throughout the week. Encourage children to vary the tone to emphasise the counting words, e.g. one, two, three... Children learn and perform in small groups.

Creating and Thinking Critically

Join in when you can!

  1. Bear hunt prepositions
  2. We're going on an animal hunt!
  3. How are you going on your animal hunt?
  4. The end!
Active Learning

New endings for favourite stories

  1. Little Rabbit Foo Foo
  2. Our new version
  3. This is how it ends
  4. We are editors!
Exploring and Playing

Join in when you can!

  1. Bear hunt small-world
  2. Bear hunt collages
  3. Bear den building
  4. Bear obstacle course