Crown Him/Her!

Topics Reception/Year 1
This unit is part of Beyond Living Memory: Commemorating History The Monarch's Official Birthday



  • Discover events beyond living memory that are significant nationally and are commemorated through anniversaries.
  • Know where the people and events they study fit within a chronological framework and identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.

Design and Technology

  • Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks (cutting, shaping, joining and finishing).

Lesson Planning

Walk and move like a royal monarch, make your own crown and paint a royal portrait. Enjoy ‘Winnie the Pooh and the Royal birthday’. 

Teaching Objectives
To learn about some of the UK’s past Kings and Queens; how present day monarch uses the same symbols of power as those in the past.
To design, make and decorate a crown.

Children will:

  • Design and make a crown, the symbol of royalty.
  • Discover something of the chronological line of succession of the UK Kings and Queens.

Provided Resources

  • PowerPoint presentation on Kings and Queens

You Will Need

  • Printed stills for class time line
  • Information books showing portraits of various British and English monarchs
  • Craft resources to make crowns
  • Resources for role play
  • Construction kits and building sets
  • Play dough