Key Stage 1 Great Fire of London - NEW LOOK
Story of the Great Fire - NEW LOOK

Learn about the Great Fire of London from pictures and eye-witness reports and create a time line of events. Generate questions and research the answers to write reports for a class newspaper.

Session 1 Fire Fire!



  • To experience a modern approach to the risk of fire, compared with ~350 years ago.
  • To generate and answer questions about the great fire of London.

Enquiry question
How will we find out more about the Great Fire of London?

Children will:

  • Take part in a fire drill and think about how we respond to the risk of fire today.
  • Place the great fire of London on a timeline to understand how long ago it happened.
  • Formulate and record questions about what happened in the great fire.

Session 2 London's burning!



  • To extend children’s knowledge about the Great Fire of London through learning about the diary entries of Samuel Pepys and creating a timeline of the four days.
  • To help children understand how things have changed over time.
  • To use role play and hot-seating to explore what happened and increase understanding..

Enquiry question
What happened day-by-day in the Great Fire of London?

Children will:

  • Begin to understand the timeline of the Great Fire of London.
  • Realise the danger and the problems of a fire in a city of wooden houses all built very close together.
  • Participate in role-play and invent a dialogue.

You Will Also Need

Age-appropriate information books about the Great Fire of London for the children to explore, e.g. Beginning History: The Great Fire Of London by Liz Gogerly


Timelines from: Listen to 2 characters

Session 3 Reporters!



  • To understand ways that we know about the past.
  • To compose and write a chronological report of the Great Fire of London.

Enquiry question
How might we share our learning about the Great Fire of London?


Children will:

  • Learn more about the GFoL from a chronological report.
  • Write a newspaper report, using past tense verbs and other features of report writing.
  • Edit our own and a friend’s writing, suggesting and making improvements.