Maths Out Loud


Mexican wave counting. Seat children in a circle. One child raises both arms as you all say ‘2’. The child puts them down again. The next child raises their arms as you all say ‘4’, and so on round the circle. Work towards increasing the pace as children learn the game and the number sequence…

Number bonds

Show children how to hold up both of their thumbs side by side. One add one is two. Ask children to hold up both thumbs and index fingers. Two add two is four.
Repeat, showing 3 + 3, 4 + 4 and 5 + 5. Record these on the flipchart. These are doubles! Double 1 is 2, double 2 is 4 …


Children act out each part of the rhyme with their fingers.

One and one are two,
One for me and one for you.

Two and two are four,
Standing knocking on the door.

Three and three are six,
Eating up their Weetabix.

Four and four are eight,
Two fat circles, that’s just great.

Five and five are ten,
All our fingers up again!


Two of everything by Lily Toy Hong. Mr. and Mrs Haktak discover a mysterious brass pot that doubles whatever is placed inside…!