
English Year 5/6 Summer Persuasive Writing

Historic Speeches

Explore some of the speeches in Talking History; examine the structure and learn about rhetorical terms. Learn how modal verbs, parentheses and active and passive voice are useful in persuasive writing. Research, write and deliver a speech on an issue important to the children.

Start with the core unit to introduce key texts. Then select from comprehension, SPAG and composition units.

Unit 1 Core: Exploring Talking History
(suggested as 5 days)

SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

There is no spelling and grammar presentation for this unit.

Unit 2 SPAG: Explore formal and informal language
(suggested as 2 days)

You Will Need

Essential Text
Talking History by Joan Haig and Joan Lennon

Background to the Gettysburg Address from
Bill Clinton’s speech nominating Barack Obama in 2012 from

Unit 3 SPAG: Modal Verbs, Parenthesis and Active/Passive
(suggested as 3 days)

Unit 4 Composition: Writing and delivering a speech
(suggested as 5 days)

SPaG: Grammar and Punctuation

There is no spelling and grammar presentation for this unit.