Books to Share

  1. Show covers of Firefighter and Police Officer. What sort of things do firefighters/ police officers do? Look through the books. Were there things that firefighter / police officer did that you didn’t expect?
  2. Turn to the Glossary in Firefighter. What is a glossary? Shared read entries; enjoy some of the unusual, firefighter-specific words (mess deck, apparatus). Encourage children to use decoding skills to read new words. Record words for display and for possible inclusion in the class Big Book on the emergency services.
  3. Look at Police Officer & discuss Sam’s job. Read the pages devoted to ‘Checking Equipment’. Read each item’s name. Can you see in the photo where Sam carries or wears each thing? What do you think she might need the torch for? The radio?
  4. Help children differentiate between the emergency services and other local and community jobs. Discuss children’s understanding and experiences of ambulance/ fire/ police/ rescue services.

Poetry/Rhyme of the Week: Fireman Sam (see resources -you can find the original theme tune and the Laughing Policeman song on YouTube) Introduce on Monday . Enjoy singing together.