Upper Key Stage 2 Ancient Greece

Learn about the development of democracy from its creation in Ancient Greece to systems used today. Plan and run your very own class democratic system. This block could be used to enhance the teaching of fundamental British values.

Session 1 Introduction to democracy



  • Develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history, establishing clear narratives within and across the periods they study.
  • Learn about Ancient Greece, making a study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world.


  • Extend confidence, enjoyment and mastery of language through public speaking, performance and debate.

Lesson Planning

Learn about the development of democracy from its creation in Ancient Greece. Run a modern vote on a class or school issue.

Teaching Outcomes:

  • To learn about how democracy is organised in modern Britain.
  • To recreate a modern democratic system.

Children will:

  • Understand different modern democratic systems.
  • Undertake public speaking and debate.
  • Voice their opinion on representative democracy.

You Will Need

You do not need any particular resources for this session.

Session 2 Ancient Greek Democracy



  • Develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history, establishing clear narratives within and across the periods they study.
  • Learn about Ancient Greece, making a study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world.


  • Extend confidence, enjoyment and mastery of language through public speaking, performance and debate.

Lesson Planning

Discover exactly how democracy began in Ancient Greece. Take part in an Ancient Greek vote.

Teaching Outcomes:

  • To learn about how democracy worked in Ancient Greece.
  • To recreate an Ancient Greek democratic system.

Children will:

  • Understand the system of democracy in Ancient Greece.
  • Take part in a debate run as a community of enquiry.
  • Compare and contrast two forms of democracy.

You Will Need

  • White sheets

Session 3 Building a democracy



  • Construct informed responses that involve thoughtful selection and organisation of relevant historical information.
  • Learn about Ancient Greece, making a study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world.


  • Extend confidence, enjoyment and mastery of language through public speaking, performance and debate.

Lesson Planning

Look back at the different examples of democracy studied. Plan and run your own class democratic system.

Teaching Outcomes:

  • To use their knowledge of Ancient Greek and modern democracy to create their own democratic system.
  • To create and run their own democracy.

Children will:

  • Apply their knowledge of different democratic systems to create their own.
  • Take part in debate.
  • Evaluate their own participation in the debate.

You Will Need

  • First past the post (session 1)
  • Proportional representation (session 1)
  • Additional members (session 1)
  • Recreating an Ancient Greek democracy (session 2)


There are no weblinks needed for this session.