Upper Key Stage 2 Computational Thinking and Creativity

Tim Berners-Lee challenges you to train in the art of app development, using Appshed. He is keen to award you with your App Development Qualification, but you need to successfully create your own healthy lifestyle app first.

Session 1 What makes a great app?



  • Be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of ICT
  • Evaluate and apply IT, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems.

PSHE Education

  • Explore the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.

Lesson Planning

Start your challenge by becoming an app reviewer. Learn about the basics of app design and come up with your own app development ideas at a creativity business meeting.

Teaching Outcomes:

  • To investigate algorithms, review apps, and use a wireframe to design an app and its algorithms.
  • To identify features of a healthy lifestyle.

Children will:

  • Review a series of apps.
  • Play ‘build an app’ game to learn about algorithms.
  • Design a healthy lifestyle app using a wireframe.
  • Attend a ‘creativity meeting’ and develop some ‘healthy lifestyle’ app ideas.

Provided Resources

  • Discovering apps, covering: Photo of Tim Berners-Lee; Definition of an app; What makes a successful app?; App-link game; Algorithms; Table for app review; Creativity meeting brief; Healthy lifestyle and wellbeing poster; Designing an app idea: key guidance & Appshed apps and wireframe explanation

You Will Need

  • Tablets
  • Internet access

Session 2 Appshed training and app creation (I)



  • Be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of ICT.
  • Evaluate and apply IT, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems.

PSHE Education

  • Explore the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.

Lesson Planning

Take part in your very own in-school Appshed training session and learn how to create your own app. Finely tune those ideas so that you are ready for the off.

Teaching Outcomes:

  • To create an app using Appshed software.
  • To continue to reflect on healthy lifestyle ideas through their app development.

Children will:

  • Take part in an Appshed training session.
  • Create their own app using Appshed.
  • Finely tune their ideas for their app, using their wireframe plan.

Provided Resources

  • Appshed training and app creation (I), covering: Training agenda and protocol; Appshed Academy video tutorial order & Appshed evaluation form.

You Will Need

  • Tablets and internet access
  • Appshed log-ins (free)

Session 3 Appshed training and app creation (II)



  • Be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of ICT.
  • Evaluate and apply IT, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems.

PSHE Education

  • Explore the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.

Lesson Planning

Continue your Appshed training and put all of your creative thinking into action by finalising your app. Will it stand up to both technical and content based reviews to help you achieve your App Development Award certificate at your very own ‘app fair’.

Teaching Outcomes:

  • To complete Appshed training
  • Finalise, publish and ‘market’ their app.
  • Review one another’s apps.
  • Reflect on the impact apps might have on a healthy lifestyle.

Children will:

  • Complete Appshed training.
  • Publish their own app using Appshed.
  • Review one another’s apps based on technical criteria.
  • Review one another’s apps based on content and functionality.

Provided Resources

  • Appshed training and app creation (II), covering: Appshed training agenda and protocol; Appshed Academy video tutorial order; Guidance on grading; Marketing card samples; ‘Highly Commended’ App Development Awards Stickers & App Development Awards certificates

You Will Need

  • Tablets and internet access
  • Appshed log ins (free)