Upper Key Stage 2 World War 2 - NEW LOOK
Kindertransport, Anne Frank and The Holocaust

This is a sensitive and age-appropriate block about the lives and deaths of Jewish people during World War 2, including prejudice, oppression and the concentration camps. Study the life of the positive and inspirational Anne Frank and create a class memorial art installation to remember the Holocaust and the Jewish people who were killed.

Session 1 Kindertransport



  • To continue to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of Britain, local and world history, establishing clear narratives within and across the periods they study.
  • To study an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066.

Enquiry question
Why do we remember the Kindertransport?

Children will:

  • Learn about the events that led to Kindertransport.
  • Read and discuss children’s experience of Kindertransport.
  • Discuss the significance of Kindertransport.

Session 2 Meet Anne Frank



  • To learn about Anne Frank and her diary.​
  • To use different sources of evidence.

Enquiry question

What can one girl’s diary tell us about historical events?

Children will:

  • Meet Anne’ and learn about her life through videos, pictures, and her diary.
  • Write a letter to Anne Frank, sharing the personal impact of her diary.

Session 3 The Holocaust - The Ghettos and 'Jewish laws'



  • To learn about the Anti-Jewish laws.
  • To discuss the effects of these laws on Jewish people.

Enquiry question
What were the effects of the Anti-Jewish laws?

Children will:

  • Create timelines of Jewish persecution and the ‘Jewish laws’.
  • Understand life in the ghettos by discussing photos and diary entries.
  • Write a letter to a newspaper that highlights the Jewish persecution.

You Will Also Need

Date Cards of Anti-Jewish Laws from Holocaust Education Trust
BBC Teach: The Holocaust year by year (NB: this is aimed at KS3; some of the audio extracts may not be suitable for KS2)