Key Stage 1 Changes within Living Memory
Toys and Books

Look at contemporary toys and study toys parents, grandparents and even great-grandparents may have played with. Look at similarities and differences and identify changes in materials and technology. Paint a picture of a chosen toy then move on to study changes in children’s book illustrations. Finish by setting up a toy and book museum.

Session 1 Sorting toys: old and new



  • Understand historical concepts such as continuity and change.
  • Learn about changes in living memory.
  • Identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.

Art and Design

  • Become proficient in drawing.
  • Use a variety of appropriate materials, including pencils.
  • Use drawing to record and share experiences.

Lesson Planning

Children look at a variety of toys and decide from what era each one originates. They sort the toys and then sketch three – one from each era.

Teaching Outcomes
To understand how toys have changed over time by looking at their own toys, their parents’ toys and then their grandparents’ toys and identifying differences.
Produce a sketch using close observation, suitable materials and a variety of sketching techniques, which are practised over three sessions.

Children will:

  • Understand how toys and books have changed over time.
  • Sort toys and books (their own and those of parents and grandparents) into old and new, and create a time line.
  • Sketch three toys: one that belongs to them, one belonging to a parent and one belonging to a grandparent.

You Will Need

  • Toys and books from different decades
  • Cartridge paper for sketching
  • Drawing pencils

Session 2 Toy materials and making a traditional toy



  • Understand historical concepts such as continuity and change.
  • Learn about changes in living memory.
  • Identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.


  • Identify and name a variety of everyday materials.
  • Describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials.
  • Identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, for particular uses.

Design and Technology

  • Design purposeful, functional, appealing products based on design criteria.
  • Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks.
  • Select from and use a wide range of materials and components according to their characteristics

Lesson Planning

Children look at how the materials used for making toys have changed over the last 50 years. They then design/create their own simple wooden toy.

Teaching Outcomes
To understand how the materials from which toys are made have changed over time .
To recognise and identify a range of everyday materials, describing their properties.
To design and build a wooden spoon puppet.

Children will:

  • Understand that the materials used for making toys have diversified over time.
  • Explore and make decisions about the fitness for purpose of various materials used to make toys.
  • Design and make a traditional toy out of a wooden spoon.

Provided Resources

  • Range of material samples
  • Sorting labels
  • Wooden spoon puppet guide

You Will Need

  • Wooden spoons
  • Range of fabrics and decorative materials
  • Range of toys from different decades including old wooden toys and modern plastic toys (also some with batteries)

Session 3 Painting pictures of toys



  • Understand historical concepts such as continuity and change.
  • Learn about changes in living memory.
  • Identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.

Art and Design

  • Use painting to share their experiences.
  • Develop a wide range of art techs in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.
  • Learn about the work of a range of artists describing the differences and similarities between different practices and making links to their own work.

Lesson Planning

Children look at paintings of toys, old and new. They study different art techniques and create their own toy paintings.

Teaching Outcomes
To Identify old and new toys from images.
To discuss different techniques some artists have used to paint toys and paint a toy using two contrasting techniques and different types of paint.

Children will:

  • Explore paintings of old and new toys.
  • Identify and experiment with techniques used by artists.
  • Paint a picture of an old toy using a chosen technique.
  • Understand how toys have changed over time.

You Will Need

  • Watercolour paints and ink pens
  • Acrylic or oil paints and ‘B’ pencils
  • High quality paper for painting
  • Paintbrushes with various brush sizes
  • Old-style wooden toy and bear to paint

Session 4 Children's books: old and new



  • Understand historical concepts such as continuity and change.
  • Learn about changes in living memory.
  • Identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.


  • Articulate and justify opinions; participate in discussions.
  • Develop pleasure in reading/motivation to read by listening to, discussing and expressing views on a wide range of stories.
  • Discuss the sequence of events in books.

Lesson Planning

Children explore children’s books from their parents and grandparents era, looking at themes, styles and trends. They identify a favourite story and say what they like best about it.

Teaching Outcomes
To understand how children’s books have changed over time.
To recap a favourite story orally and give reasons for specific books being favourites.

Children will:

  • Explore children’s books from their parents’ and grandparents’ era, looking at themes, styles and trends.
  • Identify a favourite story and say what they like best about it.

Provided Resources

  • Images of children’s books from different decades
  • Images of Winnie the Pooh covers

You Will Need

  • Children’s books from different decades
  • Speech bubble template

Session 5 Book illustrations: old and new



  • Understand historical concepts such as continuity and change.
  • Learn about changes in living memory.
  • Identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.

Art and Design

  • Develop a wide range of art techs in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.
  • Learn about the work of a range of artists describing the differences and similarities between different practices and making links to own work.

Lesson Planning

Children explore the illustrations in children’s books and how these have changed in style and content over the last 50 years. They replicate the style of a current illustrator.

Teaching Outcomes
To explore photographs of museum toy artefacts and identify whether they are old or new.
To use digital equipment to take photographs.
To write labels to accompany a photograph of a toy.

Children will:

  • Explore illustrations from children’s books over time, looking at trends and techniques.
  • Study a contemporary illustrator and attempt to replicate his or her style for a group story about a lost toy.

Provided Resources

  • Images of illustrations from different eras
  • Story scenes for a lost toy story

You Will Need

  • Wallpaper
  • Fabrics
  • Toy photos

Session 6 A photographic study of old toys and books



  • Understand historical concepts such as continuity and change.
  • Learn about changes in living memory.
  • Identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.


  • Use technology purposefully to create digital content.


  • Compose a sentence orally before writing it, re-reading what has been written.
  • Write for different purposes.
  • Make simple additions, revisions and corrections to their own writing by evaluating their writing with the teacher and other pupils.

Lesson Planning

Children look at photographs of toys from different ages. Then they set up a photography studio and take photographs of a toy to show the features of the time in which it is made.

Teaching Outcomes
To explore photographs of museum toy artefacts and identify whether they are old or new.
To use digital equipment to take photographs.
To write labels to accompany a photograph of a toy.

Children will:

  • Use digital cameras or tablets to create full photos and close ups of a focus toy.
  • Take a selection of photos from a toy that show features reflecting the toy’s age.
  • Write labels to accompany photos of toys.

Provided Resources

  • Photos of toys from museum collections
  • Label templates (differentiated)

You Will Need

You do not need any particular resources for this session.

Session 7 Class toy and book museum



  • Understand historical concepts such as continuity and change.
  • Learn about changes in living memory.
  • Identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.


  • Participate in role play.

Lesson Planning

Today we set up our museum – arranging the toys and books and labelling them properly. Children take different roles in the museum.

Teaching Outcomes
To share knowledge of old and new toys and books with others.
To effectively role play a job from a museum.

Children will:

  • Organise toys and books into categories and by age.
  • Share knowledge and understanding of toys & books through time with museum ‘visitors’.
  • Role play being various museum staff such as curators and education officers.

You Will Need

You do not need any particular resources for this session.