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Practical steps to support learning with AI

bukky By Bukky Yusuf - 20 Jun 2024

Following up on her popular webinar, Bukky Yusuf highlights practical models and frameworks to help make choices about using AI tools in schools.

With the constant focus around Artificial Intelligence for the past few years, it’s unsurprising to hear about its use in education.

That said, many educators will be struggling to keep on top of anything to do with AI. Whether it’s creating lesson plans with ChatGPT, creative posters with Midjourney it can feel easy to get lost in the sea of AI tools that are currently available with updates created at an increasingly rapid pace.

While it’s important to keep up to date with the latest developments in educational technology and AI, there are significant practical steps that every educator can undertake to support learning no matter which AI tool is being used by students. Irrespective of the AI tool being used, it’s vital for students to engage with the learning and writing process.

Naomi S. Baron's article ‘5 Touch Points Students Should Consider About AI’ outlines five key questions for educators to ask students. These vital questions can be used when students use AI tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, Simplified AI writer in their work. These questions help understand if students trust AI's answers, if using AI saves too much effort, if it affects their writing skills, if it changes their unique writing style, and if they still actively learn. It's important for students to use AI wisely to ensure they keep improving their writing and thinking skills.

A framework co-created by AI in Education and Vera Cubero, teaches how to use AI tools responsibly. It uses the word "EVERY" to remember key steps:

  • Evaluate if the AI's output is useful.
  • Verify facts and data with reliable sources.
  • Edit your questions to get better results.
  • Revise AI results to match your style.
  • You are responsible for the final work and should be clear about AI usage.

This ensures that AI use by educators and students is helpful, accurate, and ethical.

Mark Anderson created an IDEAL framework that helps students and educators to use AI effectively and responsibly within educational settings.

Informed: Understand AI's strengths and limits.

Deliberate: Use AI intentionally to enhance learning.

Ethical: Ensure fair and unbiased AI usage.

Accurate: Verify AI-provided information for reliability.

Learning-focused: Use AI to support, not replace, learning.

If you’re an educator interested to learn about some of the latest AI tools that can be used in education, check out the article ‘The Ultimate Guide to Top AI Tools in 2024: Work Smarter, Not Harder’.


  • AI, G. (2024). The Ultimate Guide to Top AI Tools in 2024: Work Smarter, Not Harder. [online] Medium [Accessed 10 Jun. 2024].

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  • AI for Education. (n.d.). How to Use AI Responsibly EVERY Time. [online] [Accessed 10 Jun. 2024]

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  • Anderson, M. (2023). AI in Education: The IDEAL Framework for Informed Learning - ICTEvangelist. [online] [Accessed 10 Jun. 2024]

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Bukky Yusuf
Teach | Lead | Coach

Bukky Yusuf is a Senior Leader and Trustee that has worked for local authorities and secondary schools for two decades. She has undertaken leadership roles within mainstream and special school settings. She also has various Ed(ucation) Tech(nology) experiences and was appointed by the Department of Education as co-chair for the EdTech Leadership Group.

Bukky supports the development of educators at all levels and promotes projects that help colleagues to maintain their well-being. She is an ambassador for Leadership Matters, a Network Leader for WomenEd London and co-lead for WomenEd Tech. Bukky has contributed chapters to a number of educational books including the second WomenEd book (Being 10% Braver) and The Early Career Framework Handbook by the Chartered College of Teaching. In 2021, she co-edited ‘The Big Book of Whole School Wellbeing’ – an essential guide to wellbeing.