Key Stage 1 Weather Experts - NEW LOOK
Hot, Hot, Hot!

This block focuses on the hot climate, art and music of South Africa. Design and construct instruments to accompany performances of weather chants.

Session 1 Types of Weather in the UK



  • Identify daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom.
  • Use globes to identify the United Kingdom; Use basic geographical vocabulary.


  • Use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes.

Lesson Planning

Investigate the range of weather in the UK. Make up, practise and perform a singing round about weather.

Teaching Outcomes
To identify types of weather and weather patterns.
To sing a song and add to a performance and to evaluate performances.

Children will:

  • Find the UK on a globe.
  • Talk about types of weather.
  • Work collaboratively to sing and perform a round.
  • Make changes by adding to a song.

You Will Need

  • A globe

Session 2 Climates in the UK and Southern Africa



  • Understand basic subject-specific vocabulary relating to physical geography.
  • Name and locate 2 of the world’s 7 continents.
  • Identify hot areas of the world in relation to the equator.
  • Use world maps and globes to identify the UK and other countries and continents.

Lesson Planning

Learn about hot climates of the world and in particular the climate of South Africa.

Teaching Outcomes
To find and locate the UK within the continent of Europe, and the countries of Zimbabwe and South Africa within the continent of Africa

Children will:

  • Locate Europe and the UK on a globe or map of the world.
  • Locate Africa and then South Africa and Zimbabwe on a globe or map.
  • Locate the equator.
  • Understand that if countries are close to the equator, they are likely to have hot climates.

You Will Need

  • A globe
  • Small sticky notes

Session 3 Weather Chants



  • Identify daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom and in another country [South Africa].
  • Use globes to identify South Africa within Africa.


  • Use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes.
  • Play tuned and untuned instruments.

Lesson Planning

Children will compare the weather in the UK and South Africa through exploring tuned and untuned instruments and creating and performing a weather chant together.

Teaching Outcomes
To understand that the UK has different weather to that in another part of the world.
To use chants in songs and to create a group composition and experiment with sounds and musical instruments.

Children will:

  • Compare the weather in the UK and South Africa.
  • Locate South Africa within Africa on the globe.
  • Explore tuned and unturned instruments.
  • Create and perform a chant together.

Provided Resources

This session does not need any provided resources.

You Will Need

  • Recording of ‘Chapha Chapha’
  • A globe
  • A selection of musical instruments


Tuba from
Harp from

Session 4 Making Instruments



  • Use world maps to identify countries and continents.
  • Name and locate 7 of the world’s 7 continents.


  • Use spoken language to develop understanding through imagining and exploring ideas.

Design and Technology

  • Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks.
  • Select from and use a wide range of materials and components.

Lesson Planning

Understand the difference between a continent and a country. Discuss and share ideas about South African musical instruments, then go on to select materials and tools to create simple instruments.

Teaching Outcomes
To understand the difference between continents and countries.
To discuss and share ideas about South African musical instruments.
To be able to select different materials and tools to create own musical instruments.

Children will:

  • Understand the difference between a continent and country.
  • Name and locate all 7 continents.
  • Discuss and share ideas about South African musical instruments.
  • Select materials and tools to create simple instruments on their own.

Provided Resources

  • Traditional instruments
  • How To make instruments

You Will Need

  • Cardboard tubes from rolls of tissue
  • Tissue paper
  • Elastic bands
  • Dried peas
  • Paper bowls
  • A stapler
  • Small cardboard boxes
  • Elastic bands of different thicknesses
  • Small sticks or pencils.

Session 5 Decorating Instruments



  • Give well-structured descriptions and explanations for different purposes, including for expressing feelings.
  • Use spoken language to develop understanding through speculating, imagining and exploring ideas.


  • Use a range of materials creatively to design products.
  • Develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, line, and shape.

Lesson Planning

Investigate and imagine life in South Africa. Use materials, colour, pattern, line and shape creatively to decorate instruments, inspired by the life and art of South Africa.

Teaching Outcomes
To imagine and talk about life in South Africa.
To use a variety of materials to make a design, inspired by South African life and art.

Children will:

  • Imagine life in South Africa.
  • Develop ideas and express opinions.
  • Use materials creatively.
  • Use colour, pattern, line and shape in their work, particularly inspired by the life and art of South Africa.

Provided Resources

This session does not need any provided resources.

You Will Need

  • S is for South Africa by Beverley Naidoo
  • Decorating materials
  • Patterned fabric
  • Patterned wallpaper

Session 6 Dry and rainy season chants



  • Understand basic subject-specific vocabulary.
  • Locate 1 of the world’s 7 continents.
  • Identify hot areas of the world in relation to the equator.


  • Use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes.
  • Play tuned and untuned instruments musically.

Lesson Planning

Continue exploring tuned and unturned instruments, then create and perform a weather chant together.

Teaching Outcomes
To know the meanings of the terms ‘country’, ‘continent’, ‘climate’ and ‘equator’ and understand that different countries experience different seasons.
To use chants in songs and create a group composition and experiment with sounds and musical instruments.

Children will:

  • Know the meanings of the terms ‘country’, ‘continent’, ‘climate’ and ‘equator’.
  • Locate the equator and understand that countries near the equator have different seasons than us.
  • Explore tuned and untuned instruments.
  • Create and perform a chant together.

Provided Resources

This session does not need any provided resources.

You Will Need

  • Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain by Verna Aardema